Sunday, June 29, 2008

sorry but fucking sorry!

La spagna vince io festeggio e che ti dicono....sorry but fucking sorry!
yes così mi ha detto una spagnola incontrata in un pub a san francisco dopo la vittoria della spagna!
ma perchè avrebbe dovuto dire questo?
Quel gran genio del sottoscritto si e presentato a vedere la finale spagna-germania con la felpa della bmw...capito BMW Bayerische Motoren Werke..

che volete mi sono dimenticato la maglietta rossa con il toro a casa...già già, con tutte la magliette che mi sono portato proprio quella mi vado a scordà!!!!

Sorry, but fucking sorry..cmq la ragazza non era molto amichevole!!!

Friday, June 27, 2008

Sunday 29 June:Gay Pride San Francisco

Per tutti gli interessati....domenica c'è i gay pride a San Francisco...per chi volesse partecipare è pregato di non rivolgersi a me...sono fuori città!!!

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Szoka's Lab Inaugural Ping Pong Tournament 2008:Gaetano-Limin!

Incomincia la sfida....Gaetano-Limin!
Sorriso di cortesia prima della a denti stretti i due giocatori si dichiarano violenta battaglia, e lo sguardo non lascia dubbi....There will be blood!!!

Warm- up...

già si incomincia col gioco duro...

e quando il gioco si fà duro...

i duri incominciano a giocare!!!!!

è tosto l'amico ehh...

su dai sei già stanco....

bella a momenti ti sloghi la spalla ciccio

o beccati sto rovescio..

deh sei un mago dovè finita la racchetta.....

dai che sei ok...yeahhahh

o piglia questa....


e quest'altra.....guarda dove te la metto...

E' dura è...

ma Limin vince 21-14, 21-10!!!Deh in Cina il ping pong è lo sport nazionale...!!!

Congrats Limin you won!!

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

"The coldest winter I ever spent was a summer in San Francisco."

Mark Twain mi aveva preparato!!!!e questo è solo l'inizio speriamo non nevichi...!!!

Recensioni: FRINGE prepilot...visto!!!

ho visto il pilot.....è fantastico..JJAbrams non ci ha deluso neanche stavolta...nuova serie ...nuova eroina.....dopo Sydney Bristow ora c'è..l’agente speciale FBI Olivia Dunham!!!!!mitico......!!alla x-files!!!!!

e ora sparatevi le locandine.......tutte e 5.....

PRISON BREAK 4 season ...September 1st 2008

Ci siamo!!!Ricomincia...per i veri fans sapete di cosa sto parlando....!!!!
Michael Scoffield ritorna......!!!!

Monday, June 23, 2008

Fire!!no, water!!!no, ice!!!Phoenix lander confirms presence of ice on Mars

Discussioni in c'è acqua c'è vita!!quando la terra si esaurirà andremo tutti su marte ...!!!e dire che i miei amici scrittori di science fiction l'avevano sempre detto!!!!

WASHINGTON: Scientists rejoiced on Friday after the Phoenix Mars lander confirmed their long-held belief that ice is hiding under the surface in the Red Planet's northern region.
The lander's robotic arm started digging trenches into Martian soil after touching down near the planet's north pole on May 25, revealing a white substance that scientists had said could be either salt or ice. ( Watch )
Phoenix flexed its arm again to enlarge a trench on June 15. It then took pictures of eight bright bits of material the size of dice inside the hole, which scientists dubbed "Dodo-Goldilocks."
When the lander took new photographs of the trench four days later on Thursday, the material had vanished, settling the debate about whether it was salt or ice.
Scientists at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, California concluded that the material was frozen water that evaporated when exposed to the sun. Salt would not have reacted that way, scientists said.
"We found what we were looking for," Phoenix science team member Mark Lemmon said in a news conference. "We came to this site because we were expected to find water ice."
Scientists believed that a vast sheet of ice was hiding in the planet's north pole after NASA's Mars Odyssey surveyed it in 2002.
"If you had a big broom and swept this area off, we are on an icesheet," said Phoenix Principal Investigator Peter Smith of the University of Arizona, Tucson.
"We have found the proof that we have been seeking that showed that this bright material really is water ice, and not another substance," Smith said.
"Now we know for sure that we are on an icy surface and we can really meet the science goal of our mission at the highest level," he said.
Besides evidence of water, the three-month Phoenix mission is also hoping to find life-supporting organic minerals in the polar region.
The probe is equipped with oven-like instruments that can melt any ice collected by the robotic arm and analyze the water.
The trick, Smith said, is for Phoenix to move ice samples fast enough from the ground into one of the lander's eight ovens within 30 minutes before it evaporates in the atmosphere.
"Just the fact that there's ice there doesn't tell you if it's habitable," he said.
"With ice and no food it's not a habitable zone. We don't eat rocks. We have to have carbon chain materials that we ingest into our bodies to create new cells and give us energy. That's what we eat and that's what has to be there if you're going to have a habitable zone on Mars."
Water filtered down on Mars may have left its mark on surrounding minerals, and impurities in the ice could tell a great deal about the climactic history of this region of the planet.
Mars is currently too cold for liquid water but it is possible that in some distant past the polar regions were warmer, scientists posit.
Water is a main ingredient for life and the polar region at some point may have been habitable: that is a puzzle Phoenix is exploring.
Phoenix's robotic arm made contact in another trench on Thursday with a hard surface scientists believe could be an icy layer.
"We have dug a trench and uncovered a hard layer at the same depth as the ice layer in our other trench," said Ray Arvidson of Washington University in St. Louis, co-investigator for the robotic arm.
After trying to crack further into it, the arm became immobilized, which is the expected programmed reaction for when it hits a hard surface.

Italia Spagna...we could do it!!!!

ai rigori ...ce l'avevamo quasi fatta!!!!!!!!!!!

Friday, June 20, 2008

Novità editoriali:"Gaetano's Lab book part I"

Dopo 2 mesi e mezzo di intensa attività ecco che lo scrittore Geraldo (pseudonimo sotto il quale si cela un misterioso viaggiatore), ha dato alla luce il suo nuovo libro dal titolo "Gaetano's Lab Book part I".
Il più volte premio Nobel per la letteratura, ha incominciato a scrivere anche il secondo volume di questa epica saga, la quale non avrà nulla da invidiare al "Il Signore degli anelli", "Le cronache di Narnia" o "il Conte di Montecristo"...dove ci saranno nuove e straordinarie avventure!

Ecco la copertina del capolavoro...

alcune delle pagine della fantastica storia...

E anteprima mondiale, direttamente dagli USA, la copertina del secondo volume...

Che dire siamo testimoni di un evento senza precedenti.
Presto nelle migliori librerie.

Current local time in San Francisco

Aggiornamento tempo San Francisco ore 11.00 stamattina Ocean Beach...29°C scattered clouds...pleasantly warm...

onde basse..niente surf oggi...

Se arriva lo Tsunami sò dove andà....

Aggiornamento ore 16.15 Gaetano in Lab...

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Szoka's Lab Inaugural Ping Pong Tournament 2008!!!!


Announcing Szoka's Lab Inaugural Ping Pong Tournament! The format is single elimination and the winner will receive a beautiful one of a kind champion T shirt with the Szoka Lab magic bus logo.

Prima partita del torneo Gaetano vince contro Laura 2-0 (21-3, 21-14)!
Commento tecnico:
Veloce warm-up e gli sfidanti hanno iniziato la partita!!
Gaetano raggiunge velocemente i 10 punti e poi cede 3 punti a Laura,
dopodichè la partita avanza senza problemi fino alla conclusione del 1 game vinto da gaetano 21-3.
Il secondo game parte già più forte, Laura ha avuto modo di studiare il suo avversario durante il primo game e aumenta il ritmo.
Gaetano però dopo un attimo di sbandamento riprende in mano la partita e conclude con un 21 a 14!
Next game:Gaetano-Limin
Limin ha battuto Doug 2 a 0!


Per quanti come me tifano Lakers è andata male.....!!l'ultima partita poi è stata oscena 30 punti di differenza per tutta la partita e Koby non ne ha infilata una!!!!!!

Boston-Lakers 4-2

Game 6 131-92!!!!!!!

SAME-SEX MARRIAGE...Il primo matrimonio qui in SF

Wave of weddings for Bay Area same-sex couples

23:23 PDT San Francisco -- Uttering the two simple words "I do," dozens of same-sex couples were wed in the Bay Area on Monday evening as California became the second state in the nation to grant marriage rights to gay men and lesbians.

County clerks braced for an even bigger rush of couples who will tie the knot today when all 58 counties in the state begin issuing marriage licenses that no longer designate "bride" and "groom" but instead "party A" and "party B."

A crowd gathered Monday evening at the Sonoma County clerk's office in Santa Rosa, including 19 same-sex couples who had made appointments to marry. The crowd counted down the last seconds to 5:01 p.m., when the state Supreme Court's decision allowing the marriages took effect.

Mark Gren and Chris Lechman of Guerneville were the first couple to apply for a marriage license and wed.

"Now, by the power vested in me and in accordance with the laws of the state of California, it is my pleasure and honor to pronounce you married," Sonoma County Clerk Janice Atkinson told the couple.

In San Francisco, 200 couples have made appointments to obtain marriage licenses today at City Hall, said Karen Hong, director of the county clerk's office. Longtime lesbian-rights pioneers Del Martin and Phyllis Lyon were the only couple wed there Monday.

So far, 2,303 same-sex couples have appointments to obtain a marriage license in the next 90 days in San Francisco. Nearly 1,800 of those couples will have their ceremony at City Hall, Hong said. She expects the rush of applicants for marriage licenses to level off over the next few weeks.

In Oakland on Monday night, Kenneth Latham and Keith Boadwee of Emeryville joined hands and looked into each other's eyes as they recited wedding vows to become the first same-sex couple married in Alameda County. They have been together 10 years and one month.

"We've been together so long we know what it means to be a couple," Boadwee said. "However, now that we have the legal protection, wherever we go throughout the state, people will recognize it."

Besides San Francisco, Sonoma and Alameda counties, weddings also were performed Monday night in Yolo and Los Angeles counties.

Like San Francisco, Los Angeles County married just one couple. Robin Tyler and Diane Olson, who were plaintiffs in the landmark marriage case, exchanged their vows in a traditional Jewish ceremony in Beverly Hills.

"We're not nervous. We've known each other 15 years," Tyler said.

Even as dozens of couples exchanged vows around the state, many more worked on last-minute wedding plans.

Salvador Valles and Dean Jansen, who live in New York City and have been together 14 years, are returning to San Francisco, where they first met, to pick up a marriage license. They'll marry in a ceremony this evening at a friend's Berkeley home.

They are registered domestic partners in California and New York but have never held any type of commitment ceremony.

"We really wanted to wait until we could get married," Valles said. They have worn rings on their right ring fingers and plan to put new rings on their left hands today.

"I can't wait to introduce him to others as my husband," Jansen said.

Protesters are expected in droves today outside county clerks' offices in several California counties. People opposed to same-sex marriage gathered on the sidewalk outside of San Francisco City Hall on Monday night but were quickly outnumbered by supporters of the unions.

A woman from the church of Kansas pastor Fred Phelps - whose followers are known for their harsh anti-gay rhetoric - stood behind police barricades in Civic Center, holding derogatory signs and singing songs with her two children. Someone else drove around the block in a truck painted to look like an American flag that read, "Sodomy is sin."

One of the protesters, Luong Bo, said he drove up from San Jose. Bo held a giant sign that read, "Homo sex is a threat to national security."

Others were there to support the couples. One man strummed a guitar and sang "The Chapel of Love," while Kathryn Werhane threw rose petals on some of the protesters.
"We want to support these weddings - it's love and tolerance for real," she said. "Any proclamation of love is good with us. Why are they crashing our party?"
This article appeared on page A - 1 of the San Francisco Chronicle

Eccole le prime che si so sposate....hanno aspettato daiaiaiiaiaaiaii
sparatevi il video....

Phyllis Lyon and Del Martin, together for 55 years, became the first same-sex couple to marry in San Francisco, June 16, 2008.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008


Il prof oggi mi ha detto che se l'Italia perdeva mi scambiava con un dutch...!!!tooohohoh dutch!!!!

Monday, June 16, 2008

6th Annual COLE VALLEY DRINKING PROGRESSIVE...gaetano you're invited!.

Host: Cole Valley Social Club
Location: First House TBA
Cole Valley, San Francisco, CA 94117 US |
When: Saturday, June 14, 1:30PM
Phone: 415-407-2570

The Cole Valley Drinking Progressive is back for 2008 -- like a bat out of hell!! Or at least like a hungry pigeon from a really high rooftop.

This is the 6th Annual, and for those of you who don't know: It's like a Cole Valley pub crawl, but replace the pubs with local houses and add a horde of drunken locals roaming the streets en mass wearing shot-glass necklaces.

Git your liver good and ready, and be ready for 1:30pm on Saturday June 14th. Bring a shot glass and a beer cup, but leave your dignity at home. You can have it back on Sunday night.

T-SHIRTS: There will be 2 tshirt designs this year, one by a radical new illustrator and the other by one of the original Fillmore Poster designers from the '60s. Fuck yeah!


Cole Valley Social Club

1:30pm to 2:30pm - 233 Downey
2:40pm to 3:40pm - 770 Cole
3:50pm to 4:50pm - 82 Parnassus
5:00pm to 6:00pm - 374 Frederick
6:10pm to 7:00pm - 357 Frederick
7:10pm to 8:00pm - 1659 Waller
8:10pm to Whenever – Finnegan's

Party in 7 case diverse.....

...le case erano indicate così....CVDP..Cole Valley Drinking Progressive...più chiaro di così..non ti puoi sbagliare..

I nostri eroi (gli italiani) arrivano alla festa....

..e subito fanno amicizia...

Momenti della festa...

Il privè....era ai piani sale...

Party visto dal privè....

I veri afecionados alla festa avevano la maglietta....

..e naturalmente io l'avevo......

Questa ragazza diceva che aveva gli occhiali più belli dei miei...

Questo diceva che aveva i capelli più lunghi dei effetti...deh usava Panten Pro V....

Ogni festa che si rispetti ha il suo DJ...è lui era il nostro DJ...

momenti di english conversation