Tuesday, July 1, 2008

New Driver Law July 1st..only in CAlifornia..!!!

Ok nuova legge in california alla guida....dal primo luglio...ndr oggi...non si può più guidare e telefonare contemporaneamente....è già prima si poteva....!!!...ora è obbligatorio usare il bluetooth quando guidi sennò ti fanno la multa 20 dollari....praticamente niente...e non ti tolgono punti della patente...!!!!!
proprio uguale all'Italia ehh!!

E i per i ragazzi sotto i 18 anni è addirittura proibito telefonà quando guidano...
Arnold non scherza...

The cell phone ban is coming … and it is approaching quick! Starting July 1, 2008, if you are living in the State of California, you will have a new law to follow: NO DRIVING WHILE USING A HANDHELD CELL PHONE! Believe it or not, this law is coming and all of California will be affected.

Here are the details of this Hands-free legislation:

18 and older: If you must talk on a cell phone while driving, you absolutely have to use a hands-free device beginning July 1, 2008. If you break the law, your first offense will cost you $20 and it will be $50 for each subsequent conviction. Additional fees may also be applied.

Younger than 18: It is pretty simple for you … cell phones are completely banned. You may not use a cell phone while driving and you may not text or use laptops. This is a strict law and if you are under 18 and using a cell phone while driving, you will be fined.

Other Notes Regarding Hands-Free Cell Phone Law

Emergencies: If you are in an emergency, it is ok to make emergency calls to police, healthcare providers, fire departments or other emergency agencies. By all means, do this!

Points: No points against driver’s licenses will be assessed.

Passengers: Are allowed to use any type of cell phone while in the car.

PUSH-TO-TALK Device: These devices are ok for those people who are licensed to operate a truck tractor or motor truck.

It is important to know that this law has been passed and will be effective July 1, 2008 in California. In order to follow the law, drivers will have to use hands-free devices. Getting your device before the law comes into effect will allow you to adjust to using a hands-free device and increase your comfort level with the device. It will also increase your safety as a driver because you will be able to drive with two hands on the wheel.

e mi hanno pure mandato il messaggio sul telefonino...:
Effective July 1st 2008 CA State law requires the use of a hands free device when talking on your cell phone and driving.

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